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Kamis, 22 Juli 2010


Article Analysis:
What am I going to do with my life?
David McCullough: February 11th, 2010

The history of XX century has proved that education is not only a right choice for a young person, but also it is an essential part of success in life and career.That education is not only a right choice for a young person, but also it is an essential part of success in life and career. I believe that going to college is an important step for growing as an individual. Some High school graduates assume that college is only about scientific and academic achievements, and therefore they find it boring and useless. The distinguished features in the American education system is that, unlike in any other country of the world, it promotes and encourages creative and independent thinking among its students by means of interactive projects and activities. Education in college does not stop at the classroom, but rather continues through internships and extracurricular activities. This chance opens many interesting roads, but there is only one to chose. Commitment to another five years of studying is not an easy choice and it is perfectly fair to question the meaning and sense of going to college.

Response/Comments on the article:
This article is an attempt to explain naturalistic inquiry, as it relates to positive inquiry, as a viable epistemological alternative to research in the educational sciences. Much of the article is spent contrasting in some detail the philosophy, methods, and procedures of the two research paradigms. Furthermore, the author attempts to justify the use of naturalistic inquiry, as if he is speaking to a pro-positivist paradigm audience. In my view, he is trying to make the case for naturalistic inquiry.
The author in the article does a very good job in laying out the premises, procedures and rational for using naturalistic inquiry. He also explains positivist inquiry quite well and is balanced in his reporting of the two methodologies. He highlights the need for both, and the fact that they do not have to necessarily be mutually exclusive. They have different goals and should be applied according to the research questions being posed. The strength of his article lies in his discussion as to why naturalistic inquiry is important, and applying it to educational research, why it is important to incorporate within this field due to the heavy reliance of “context” in educational settings. Thus, he indirectly makes a case for naturalistic inquiry.
Another strength of this article is his layout of the characteristics of naturalistic research. Perhaps this is one of the best overviews I have read on the subject. He explains it in a clear and concise format, while covering all the major points thoroughly. He concludes the article by stressing the importance for proponents of naturalistic inquiry to make the case as to why naturalistic is necessary, and that naturalistic inquiry must have trustworthiness in order to be taken seriously by the research community. This, according to the author, can only occur through high-quality naturalistic research that includes a wealth of thick description and insight for the reader. Thus, he lays out the methods and some useful tips for doing this.

compare n contrast

Challenges in Life
     “May the force be with you” was George Lucas’ famous expression for his Jedi Knights on the classic movie, Star Wars. He was more than right when you think about those words in order to face everyday life. Nowadays, life brings us so many challenges that we need all the Jedi’s force to deal with them. Challenges are everywhere and they all come to you at different stages of your life. Taking a College Board Exam, going through a job interview, or simply entering college for the first time are some real challenges in which you, definitely, need the force to be with you.

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Cau5e & 3ff3cT

Lack of Awareness

At this time seen that the low public awareness of environmental cleanliness. It can be seen from the behavior of the society itself that no such health care would still lots of people who throw trash out of place like trash along the river, build or residing along the river, maybe they do not know the impact of it all, as for economic development increasingly global, with the occurrence of development-construction projects and construction of buildings that ignore environmental sustainability that is by cutting down trees - trees for the forest. The addition of non-functioning of the gutter - the gutter water that does not work properly due to the indiscriminate disposal of waste.
As a result of the lack of public awareness with environmental cleanliness and layout of the neighborhood environment we often occur where floods and natural disasters - which are caused by society itself because the river is not functioning properly due to a lot of the rubbish that inhibit the flow of the river, so that the water overflowed and causing flooding. In addition, the absence of absorption due to the number of illegal logging everywhere so that the water is absorbed and unbiased and the occurrence of landslides everywhere. As for the houses near the riverbanks that inhibit the flow of water that flows so that the flood continues to haunt areas that have a dirty environment filled with trash and that does not have good drainage.